
Save 20% with yearly billing

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... incl. Tax


  • Free App Updates
  • Up to 250 Monthly Active Users
  • Android App Published in the Play Store
  • iOS App Published in the App Store
14 Day Free Trial


... incl. Tax


  • Everything in Small
  • Up to 2500 Monthly Active Users
  • Push Notifications
14 Day Free Trial

Most Popular


... incl. Tax


  • Everything in Medium
  • Up to 25000 Monthly Active Users
  • Publish your App in the Amazon App Store and the Huawei App Gallery
  • Review Reminders
14 Day Free Trial


... incl. Tax


  • Everything in Large
  • Unlimited Monthly Active Users
  • Priority Support
  • Custom Distribution Outside of App Stores
14 Day Free Trial

No risk in trying: 14 day free trial, subscription can be cancelled anytime.

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Other costs that might come up.

We want to be completely transparent with you. That's why we also mention other payments that might be necessary to create and publish your app, even if the money doesn't go to us.

Illustration of an app developer at work

App Store Developer Accounts

The companies that control the app stores charge a fee for publishing apps there. It's not allowed for us to publish your app in our own developer accounts. With your own developer account you will also be able to list your company's name as the app's publisher in the app stores.

Cost: $0 (Amazon App Store, Huawei App Gallery), $25 once (Google Play Store), $99 yearly (Apple App Store)

Illustration of an app being tested

App Testing

If you haven't registered a company, Google requires you to have 20 people test your app before you can publish it in the Google Play Store. You can do this yourself, or if you don't want to ask 20 people to test the app, we can refer you to our partner company, which offers an app testing service.

Cost: $30 once