Posted on 14. October 2024 by Jan Bunk
For some websites it may be useful to dynamically modify the apps' navigation bar items. You can achieve this with these JavaScript functions.
function of our app helper script. It ensures that your website doesn't try to interact with the app before it's ready or when your website is loaded using a regular browser (ReferenceError, function is not defined). getNavigationBarItems
Use this function to get a list of objects representing all the navigation bar items that are currently being displayed.
try {
// returns a list of objects representing the navigation bar items
let navigationBarItems = (await getNavigationBarItems())["navigationBarItems"];
catch (e) {
// Can occur if:
// - the app couldn't connect to the native code. Should be very unlikely.
Use this function to modify the navigation bar items that should be displayed.
try {
// example for a navigation bar item object
let newNavigationBarItem = {
label: "Contact",
action: {
urlToRedirectTo: "",
javascriptToExecute: null,
elementToClickSelector: null,
isFavoriteAction: false,
isShareAction: false,
isOpenExternallyAction: false,
isSettingsAction: false
icon: {
name: "list"
// get the currently displayed navigation bar items
let allNavigationBarItems = (await getNavigationBarItems())["navigationBarItems"];
// add the new navigation bar item to the list of navigation bar items
// display the list of navigation bar items, including the new navigation bar item
await setNavigationBarItems(allNavigationBarItems);
catch (e) {
// Can occur if:
// - the app couldn't connect to the native code. Should be very unlikely.
Here's a list of related developer documentation about dynamically changing the app's menu. Make sure you're viewing the one applicable to your app's layout.