Creating an Apple Developer Account to Publish Your App in the App Store

Updated on 9. July 2024 by Jan Bunk

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You are not logged in. This guide can only be completed if you have converted your website into an app with
This guide is part of the app publishing process. You should only complete it when asked to in the app publishing timeline.

Now that you've created your app with you need an Apple developer account to publish your app in the Apple App Store. We have previously explained why it's important to create your own developer account and why you shouldn't share it with other people. So let's see how you can register for the Apple Developer program.

Do you already have a paid Apple developer account set up? Scroll to the bottom of this page to continue with the next guide.

To get started, simply visit the signup page here: Enroll in the Apple Developer Program

Start the process by clicking 'Start Your Enrollment' at the bottom of the page. After that you'll be asked to log into your Apple ID unless you've already done so. If you don't have one yet, create one now.

It's important that you enable 2 factor authentication for your Apple ID, otherwise you won't be able to enroll in the developer program. Usually you can enable it right away when creating your Apple ID. For further information on 2 factor authentication for your Apple ID, check out Apple's guide on it here. According to this guide you can either use an Apple device (iPhone, iPad,...), or verify both your e-mail and phone number to enable 2 factor authentication.. If you're having trouble setting up 2 factor authentication, the Apple support team can also help you with it.

If your organization is a legal entity (e.g. a corporation, limited partnership or a limited liability company), enroll in the Apple Developer Program as an organization. Like Google, Apple requires your organization's D-U-N-S number for that. Here is how to find or request the D-U-N-S number for your company.

Organizational developer accounts have many advantages:

  • Your company name will be listed as the app publisher in the app store. With an individual developer account it would be your personal name.
  • We can better support you with some specific problems in your developer account.
  • Apps related to highly regulated industries (e.g. medicine, cannabis) can only be published with an organizational developer account.

Only if you don't have a company for your website/app, register an individual developer account.

Aside from that, please follow along the Apple Developer Account enrollment process. If you need help, just reach out to us or the Apple support team and we will be glad to help.

When it comes to the payment, we recommend that you set up automatic yearly renewal of your developer program membership. If you don't enable the automatic renewal and forget to make the yearly payment in the future, your app will be removed from the App Store.

It might take up to 48 hours until Apple has processed your payment and activated your account. Until then you might still see the below message on Apple's page, even though you already paid for the membership. If you still can't access your developer account after 48 hours, please contact Apple support. Unfortunately we can't help you with issues here.

Screenshot from Apple mentioning that it could take up to 48 hours to activate the developer account

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Author Jan Bunk
Written by
Jan Bunk

Hi, I'm Jan! I created in 2019 while studying computer science in university. A lot has changed since then - not only have I graduated, but it's also no longer just me running We've grown to a global, fully remote team and have gathered lots of experience around app development and app publishing. We've created and published hundreds of apps in the app stores, where they've been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times.