How to Send Your App to Google for Review

Updated on 24. April 2024 by Jan Bunk

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Under "Production", open the "Countries / regions" tab.

Click the "Countries / regions" tab.

Click the "Add countries" button.

Click the "Add countries" button.

Select the countries you want to make your app available in. You can also select all countries if you want that users from everywhere can download your app.

Click the "Save" button at the bottom right to add the new countries.

Click "Create new release" at the top right.

Click "Create new release" at the top right.Download your app as an .aab file

Upload the .aab file you just downloaded in the Google Play Console.

Upload the .aab file you just downloaded in the Google Play Console.

After uploading the file you should see it listed below the upload field.

After uploading the file you should see something like this screenshot.
Click here if you see the error message "Version code x has already been used. Try another version code."

First, please reload the Google Play Console page and instead of uploading the app bundle again, click "Add from library" and select it there.

If you can't select the app bundle there either, click here to generate a new app bundle with a new version code. Building a new version will take a couple of minutes and afterwards you need to download the app bundle again using the download button from earlier in this guide.

Enter a description for the app release, for example "Initial release of the app.".

Enter a description for the app release, for example

Click "Next" or "Save" at the bottom right.

You might still see warnings that your app can't be published yet and that the app uses native code. You can ignore both of them. A screenshot of the warnings saying your app includes native code and that it can't be published yet.

Click "Next" at the bottom right.

Click "Save" at the bottom right.

Go to the publishing overview in the Google Play Console.

Submit the changes for review using the button at the top right.

Don't click the "Turn on managed publishing" button, otherwise the app publishing process will be delayed.
A screenshot of the button to send the app for review.

When you go to the dashboard now, you should see that your app is under review.

A screenshot of the dashboard showing the app being in review.

Now you just need to wait a bit. It usually takes 5-7 days for the app to be reviewed by Google. If Google rejects the app, please contact us and we will help you resolve the issue.

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Author Jan Bunk
Written by
Jan Bunk

Hi, I'm Jan! I created in 2019 while studying computer science in university. A lot has changed since then - not only have I graduated, but it's also no longer just me running We've grown to a global, fully remote team and have gathered lots of experience around app development and app publishing. We've created and published hundreds of apps in the app stores, where they've been downloaded millions of times.