Updated on 9. April 2023 by Jan Bunk
Click the plus button at the top to create a new app.
Click "New App".
Click only the "iOS" checkbox.
Enter your app's name how it should be displayed in the App Store. It must be similar to the name that your app's home screen name:
If you're using an organizational developer account, you might also be able to choose a display name that will be shown as the publisher of the app in the app store. Usually you'd just use your company's name there, unless you have a trade name or something similar.
Choose the main language of your website in the dropdown.
Select this Bundle ID:
The SKU is just for your own internal purposes and not shown anywhere, so feel free to enter anything, as long as it's unique. If you don't have a specific SKU you want to use, you can use this:
Click "Create".
Once you've completed all the steps in this guide, please click this button so you can continue with the next guides.
Hi, I'm Jan! I created webtoapp.design in 2019 while studying computer science in university. A lot has changed since then - not only have I graduated, but it's also no longer just me running webtoapp.design. We've grown to a global, fully remote team and have gathered lots of experience around app development and app publishing. We've created and published hundreds of apps in the app stores, where they've been downloaded millions of times.